Category Archives: Pregnancy

14 weeks with #4

I have been slacking big time with milestone update for our kiddos. Big. Time.ย  Honestly, if it wasn’t for Drew our blog would be pretty non-existent. I’m glad it isn’t. I’m thankful Drew keeps it somewhat up to date. I always have high hopes of keeping up with it…maybe this year. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, to be fair to our newest addition, I thought I should probably try to post a few times during this pregnancy. So I can remember some day down the road what my belly looked likeย  and how much weight I gained and what foods I craved and how sick I felt. You know, all that fun stuff! ๐Ÿ™‚

All joking aside, I’m thankful. Yes, overwhelmed, but mostly thankful. Thankful for a precious new life growing inside of me. Thankful that God picked me to be aย  mommy to another little one. Thankful for our growing family (as crazy as it may be). Did we plan this pregnancy? No. But was it a planned pregnancy? Absolutely. 100% planned by God before the foundations of the earth. That is what I rest in when I start getting anxious about mothering 4 kids 4 and under. God doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t give us more than we can handle. Will it be hard? I’m thinking so. But I am confident that God will supply me with the grace and strength I need.


14 weeks. Getting ready to start week 15! It was a rough start, but I’m finally feeling better and not quite as tired (although Drew would probably laugh at that statement). No cravings really. The first couple of months all I wanted was protein, specifically eggs. Weird, I know. I seem to be back to a pretty normal diet now, though. I had an appointment last week and they had trouble finding the heartbeat because little H was moving around SO much! (We did finally hear a strong, healthy heartbeat!) Can’t wait to start feeling those movements soon!

The Birth Story

A big thank you to my wonderful husband for keeping up with the blog the last couple of weeks. Blogging has not exactly been on my radar recently, but while I have a few quiet moments, I thought I would write out Langston’s birth story before it fades from my memory. ย So that was your warning. Feel free to stop reading if birth stories are not your thing. I will not be offended.

Iย will begin with my last doctor’s appointment. On December 26th I had what was suppose to be my 34 week appointment. I mentioned to my doctor that I had been having stronger, more painful contractions, although still not regular. He decided to go ahead and check me to see if the contractions were doing anything. I was 1 1/2 cm dilated. Given that fact and that my due date had always been a bit fuzzy this pregnancy ( it went from Jan. 21st, to Jan. 31st, to Feb. 4th), my doctor decided to move my due date to the 21st (it was currently set for Feb. 4th). While I knew this change really had no bearing on when Langston would make his debut, I was happy for the earlier due date. My doctor decided to see me back in two weeks and my next appointment was set for January 9th.

Now I’ll fast forward to about January the 5th. I continued to have strong, but irregular contractions in the following days. By the 5th we were just praying that Langston would hold off until after the big snowstorm. I knew there was no way I was making it until February 4th and I was pretty confident I would not even make it until the 21st. Drew shoveled our driveway like crazy during the storm just in case I did go into labor and I set in to full nesting mode (I should have known then). By Tuesday, the 7th, the girls and I had a serious case of cabin fever. Drew ended up going into work that day, so I decided to take the girls over to the gym at church and let them burn off some much needed energy. We ran (yes, I didn’t think it could hurt anything for my 9 month pregnant self to “run” ) and played around the gym for about an hour and then headed home. The rest of the day was pretty non-eventful (except for our furnace deciding it would be a great day to stop working-but that is a story for another time). Ironically enough, my contractions seemed pretty non-existent all day.

I went to bed about 10 p.m. on Tuesday night feeling completely normal. About 1 o’clock in the morning, though, that started to change. I woke up with my first contraction and knew right away that it was the real deal. I timed them for about 30 minutes and finally decided to wake up Drew. At this point they were roughly 3-4 minutes apart, so we did not waste much time in calling Drew’s parents. Angela very graciously drove through treacherous roads at 2 in the morning to come stay with the girls. I went ahead and called my doctor (actually the doctor on call) and got the officially OK to head to the hospital (although, I would have gone regardless). We arrived at the hospital at about 3 a.m. and I was 3 cm dilated. They held off admitting me and told me they wanted me to walk around for an hour and then recheck me. So I obliged. ๐Ÿ™‚ Drew and I walked the very exciting hospital hallways for the next hour. I could tell over the next hour that my contractions were definitely getting closer (about 2 minutes apart) and more painful, so I was confident in my progression. The nurse checked me again after an hour and I had not progressed much at all. Maybe 3 1/2 cm. Boo! I knew I was in real labor, though, and thankfully my nurse agreed. She decided to monitor my contractions for the next hour and see what happened. The down side to that was that I had to stay in bed and couldn’t get up and walk, which I wasn’t a huge fan of, but I survived. I thought since I was not able to move much that I probably would not progress a whole lot, but after an hour I had progressed to 6 cm! Yay!

Finally, at around 5:30 a.m. they admitted me and we got to our own room (up until this point I had just been in triage). Not a whole lot happened over the next couple hours. I tried to rest between contractions, which were painful but bearable at this point. Around 7:30 a.m., the doctor came in and asked if I wanted to go ahead and have my water broken. The contractions were not doing a whole lot in terms of progression and from past experience, I knew once my water was broken things would probably move pretty fast. Since my doctor was suppose to get there between 8 and 9, we decided to wait until 8 and then go ahead and have them break my water. I was hoping if we waited until 8, my doctor would at least be there for the delivery.

At 8 a.m. sharp they broke my water and as I imagined things got really painful, really fast. In my head, I wanted to get up and move around, but I honestly thought I might pass out from the pain if I tried to get out of bed. So, I tried my best to keep switching positions and tried to sit up more than lay flat. From about 9a.m. to 10 a.m. is pretty much a blur for me. I was in A LOT of pain (excruciating back labor) and was just praying to get to that magic 10cm FAST. I have to say, Drew was amazing! He was by my side every step of the way and if it wasn’t for him I probably would have given up and gotten the epidural. He was, hands down, my support! Around 9:30 a.m. I started feeling tons of pressure, they checked me and said I was almost at 10cm, but there was still a little left to go. I made it through a few more contractions, but by 10 a.m. I told them I HAD to push. The pressure was unbearable. I could not wait any longer. Unfortunately, my doctor was in surgery, but the doctor on call was great and at 10:15 a.m., after pushing through only two contractions, our sweet, perfect baby boy was born. Langston Thomas weighed in at 6 lb. 9 0z. (my smallest so far) and 19 1/2 in. long.

Within minutes of his birth, my nurse realized Langston was having breathing issues (grunting instead of crying) and a NICU nurse was called into the room. She observed him for a couple minutes and then told us she needed to take him to NICU for observation for a couple hours. They assured us that it was probably just a little fluid in his lungs and probably nothing of concern. They let me hold him for about a minute and then took him away (Drew didn’t get to hold him at all). Nothing could have prepared me for that. The only thing that got me through 9 hours of labor, was knowing that at the end I would get to hold and enjoy my precious son. Cuddle him, snuggle him, kiss him, love him. None of that was possible, though, and while I was so thankful for a great hospital and staff that knew something was wrong, my heart hurt and my arms were empty. This will probably sound ridiculous, but with the girls, as soon as they were delivered I forgot about the physical pain I was in because I had them in my arms and that is all I cared about in that moment. I honestly do not remember with them delivering the placenta or being stitched up (sorry if that is TMI), because I was enjoying them and consumed with them. It was different with Langston. I vividly remember still being in a lot of pain after delivering him. I still felt every contraction after delivery. I don’t think I was in any more pain necessarily than my previous deliveries, ย I just believe it was because he wasn’t there to distract me from the pain. The moment I had dreamed about for 9 months wasn’t happening and it hurt…both physical and emotionally.

A couple hours later, once they had finished up with me and I was able to catch my breath (literally and figuratively) we went down to NICU to see Langston. It was at this point we found out they had admitted him to NICU and had started him on oxygen and put a feeding tube in him. In my naive mind, I was still hopeful he would be in our room with us by morning. ย The next 7 days was by far the longest and hardest days of our lives to date (maybe someday I will write out my thoughts and the emotions of those 7 days-they are many), but God was good and gracious to us. It brought Drew and I closer as a couple (although, oddly enough, we hardly saw each other at all that week) and I personally felt a deeper sense of the love of Christ through the love and care that was shown to us by our family and friends.

January 15th was a very, very happy day. At noon Langston was released from the NICU and we finally were able to introduce the little fellow for the first time to his very proud big sisters. We did not care about much else that day, except that we were HOME as a family of five. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, there you have it. It was not the birth experience I was hoping for or dreaming of, but the Lord had a plan and as hard as it was, we were and are confident it was a GOOD plan. We are SO thankful for Langston and the 4 weeks we have had with him. I love him more than words can say and am very happy to be his mama!

Congratulations if you actually read that entire story. ๐Ÿ™‚

Langston Update

I hit the 32 week mark this past Friday! So, six weeks away from when I delivered Felicia! I am sincerely praying that Langston will be kind to me and come early as well. My body is tired.

We had an ultrasound at 29 weeks and got a sneak peek at our little one. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was the best! Everything looked good and, while my placenta is still anterior, it has moved up so it shouldn’t interfere with labor or delivery. I am happy scared to death to report that the little guy’s head is measuring 3 1/2 weeks ahead of the rest of his body. Yay for me! It is a Humphrey head for sure! ๐Ÿ™‚

I had another appointment this past Friday and all is still well! My Braxton Hicks seem to be picking up a little bit and I am FINALLY feeling him move multiple times a day!

We are slowly getting ready for his arrival. The nursery is pretty much done and the clothes have started to be washed. I can’t wait to kiss those sweet little cheeks!



Big hands! :-)

Big hands! ๐Ÿ™‚

32 weeks and growing...

32 weeks and growing…



24 Weeks

24 weeks today! I had a Dr. appointment on Wednesday and everything looks great! Langston is measuring right on track with a heart rate of 154. I have an anterior placenta this pregnancy and because of that I am feeling a lot less movement at this stage in my pregnancy than I did with the two girls. Some days it makes me so nervous, but it is a great lesson in trusting the Lord. I definitely appreciate every little movement more than ever! My doctor says as he continues to grow I will feel more and more. Here is hoping that is true!

I’m not going to lie. This pregnancy has been the hardest of the three and I will admit I have not always had the best attitude. And while I will be thankful when I am finally holding our Langston in my arms, I don’t want to rush away these fleeting days we have with just our two precious girls. Right nowย  I need to count my blessings and revel in the miracle that is happening within me. Cherish these moments. ย  January will be here soon enough and we are cannot wait to meet this little boy!

Alright, now for the picture. My family has been begging to see the Langston bump, so here it is:

Bigger than ever!

Bigger than ever!

He Has a Name!

Now that we have discovered that Baby Hump #3 is a boy, we get to do one of our favorite things during pregnancy: announce the name! We’ve actually had a boy name picked out since before Brenna was born, so as soon as we found out that this one was a boy, we knew exactly what his name would be:

Langston Thomas Humphrey

The question, of course, that everyone has when it comes to baby names is, “How did you come up with it?” Well, the inspiration behind the first name originally came from the great American poet Langston Hughes. While it certainly wouldn’t be true to say that we’re naming him afterย Langston Hughes, we do hope that our son will dare to be the kind of visionary dreamer that Hughes was in his day. Plus, it’s just a cool name.

The middle name has a long family tradition. “Thomas,” of course, is my middle name (Drew Thomas), and it’s also my dad’s first name (Thomas Albert). But its roots go back even further than that to my grandmother’s maiden name, which was the last name of my great-grandparents (Mawsie and Pawsie, as we called them). So Langston Thomas will carry with him a fair amount of family history, which we think is pretty neat.

May Langston be a valiant and humble man of God whose supreme and eternal joy is found in Jesus Christ!

It’s A…




He wanted to make sure that we were quite confident he was a boy. :-)

He wanted to make sure that we were quite confident he was a boy. ๐Ÿ™‚


This is just so amazing to me...a perfectly formed, tiny little foot.

This is just so amazing to me…a perfectly formed, tiny little foot.


Our handsome little guy!

Our handsome little guy!


I still cannot believe we are having a SON! I was just so prepared to hear “it’s a girl!” We, of course, would have been thrilled with another daughter, but are SO excited (and a bit nervous if I was being honest) to be having a little boy! The girls are pretty excited as well. Brenna has been going around all day saying “I am having a baby brother!” and Felicia says something awfully close to the word “brother!” ๐Ÿ™‚

HEย  looked great on the ultrasound and is measuring just right! We cannot wait to meet this little guy and are praising the Lord with very full and happy hearts for blessing us with a son!





17 weeks

17 weeks today! Boy, time sure does fly when you are having fun! It’s been a crazy last couple of weeks in our house. Two weeks ago, at the end of our little mini-staycation, I started coming down with what I thought was just a cold. Sore throat, congestion, headache. Then on that Saturday I came down with a stomach bug, or so I thought. I was thinking it was just a 24 hour flu bug and it would soon pass. Well, unfortunately I was terribly wrong. To make a long story short, I was sick for a solid week and ended up in the hospital last Thursday to get IV fluids due to dehydration. It was not a fun week to say the least, but I am thankful to the Lord for protecting our unborn child, to my husband for his loving care of our family (seriously, he was a lifesaver!), to the grandparents for their help with the girls, and to everyone else who prayed, called, and checked in on me. One of my many faults, is that it is hard for me at times to accept help, but through being sick I saw such evidence of God’s grace through the people that served me during a rough week.

In baby news, he or she is growing! Heart rate has been running around 150. I’m thinking I’m feeling some slight movements here and there, but can’t say for sure yet. Can’t wait for those movements all the time! We have our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for September 11!! So Lord-willing we will know whether we are having a son or daughter in just under 3 weeks. To say I’m excited would be a slight understatement. Ha! I have had several people tell me boy, I’m still not entirely convinced, but we shall soon know and we will be absolutely thrilled either way!

Here’s my 17 week belly shot:

Baby Hump #3 :-)

Baby Hump #3 ๐Ÿ™‚

13 weeks

Since our little one was measuring small for my dates at our first doctor’s appointment, we got to have another ultrasound last Thursday for a re-measure. The good news is I got another peek at him or her, which always makes me happy! The bad newsย  (not really bad, just a mild inconvenience) is that they pushed my due date back 10 days. So my official due date is now January 31st.ย  I figure this baby will come when he or she wants to come regardless of my due date, so it really doesn’t matter all that much.

As I start my second trimester I am waiting for all my energy to come back. I’m starting to think, though, that being pregnant while having two other little ones to keep up with,ย  I might just be in a season of life where I won’t have all that much energy for a while.ย  And that’s alright, because it is TOTALLY worth it! The nausea is getting much better and while I wouldn’t say I have any cravings or aversions, I’m really enjoying salads, strawberries and ice cream. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maternity clothes are calling my name. I will make the switch soon I think, my normal pants are just getting a little too uncomfortable. I’m in the stage I like the least where my normal clothes don’t look good on me anymore, but maternity clothes are too big. Such a dilemma.

As much as a 2 1/2-year-old and 16 month old can get the whole pregnancy thing, I think the girls do. At least somewhat. Brenna is constantly referring to the “baby in mommy’s tummy” and Felicia will try to pull up my shirt and point to my belly and say “beba”. ๐Ÿ™‚ So cute! They are going to be really good big sisters!

Alright on to the funย  stuff. Pictures!


This is Baby H at 12 weeks. :-)

This is Baby H at 12 weeks. ๐Ÿ™‚


Amazing! He or She was already moving quite a bit! HR=164

Amazing! He or She was already moving quite a bit! HR=164


Start of a bump. Sorry for the very poor picture quality.

Start of a bump. Sorry for the very poor picture quality.








We are beyond thrilled (perhaps, a little overwhelmed as well, if I were being completely honest) and cannot wait to meet our newest little blessing sometime in late January! I am around 12 weeks and feeling tired and icky, but so thankful it is not worse. I’m already so in love with this little one ( it is amazing to me how that happens instantly).

Many people are wondering about out adoption. The short answer is we are moving forward with it, but are going to delay it a bit. We are trusting the Lord to work out the details and give us both these babies at just the perfect time.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m not sure Brenna and Felicia quite grasp the reality of what is happening, but at the very least this picture sums up their personalities.

IMG_1873Brenna is already insisting that she is getting another baby sister, so we’ll see if she is a prophet.

The next few months are bound to busy ones for us, but I really am going to try to document this pregnancy just like I did the other two. I am already behind as I have yet to get a belly picture, but that will come soon I promise. ๐Ÿ™‚



Felicia’s Birth Story

I’m back. I feel like it’s been ages. So thankful my wonderful husband has kept up the blog! I figured the best post to start back with would be the birth story. I should preface this post by saying it might (actually not might, it does) have a lot more details than most people care to know, but for my memories sake I want to write them down. So be warned. ๐Ÿ™‚ In fact, if you make it through this entire post you probably deserve a prize.

On Thursday, March 15 I had my weekly check-up. We knew going into this appointment that my doctor was going to strip my membranes to try to get things started since I was already 2-3 cm dilated and having lots of contractions daily. It is hard not to get your hopes up in that situation (especially when my labor with Brenna started the same way and I had her the same day he stripped my membranes). So we (perhaps prematurely) went into Thursday really thinking “today will be the day”. Seriously, the car was packed and everything. Well, my doctor stripped my membranes as promised and told me I was a little over 3 cm dilated. He sent me home with an appointment scheduled for the following Thursday, but said to call if my contractions got to be within 5 minutes of each other consistently.

We went home somewhat discouraged (I thought I would have progressed a lot further than 3 cm), but were determined to walk me into labor. So we walked, and walked, and walked some more. Thank goodness the weather was beautiful and, while Brenna had no clue why we were walking SO much, she sure enjoyed every minute of it! We walked probably a total of around 3 1/2 miles that afternoon, with a Panda Express dinner break in between (I figured it wouldn’t hurt to eat unhealthy Chinese food to get labor going). My contractions did start increasing and getting more uncomfortable as we walked, so I figured we were making some progress. Somewhere along the way I decided I would start timing my contractions. So I did. For the next 6-7 hours I timed them. They were anywhere from 3-10 minutes apart, but not consistently an average of 5 like my doctor wanted. Frustrating. I got tired of timing them around 10 p.m. and fell asleep. I hardly slept at all that night, but not because of the contractions. In fact, the contractions for the most part stopped. Double frustrating.

We woke up Friday morning and decided nothing was going to happen and that we would just go about our day as normal. So, Drew got up and headed off to work and I started to plan my day with Brenna. I had my first contraction at 7:45 a.m. and for some reason decided I would time them for an hour just to see. I was sure nothing would come of it. Well, in that hour I had 12 contractions, which were an average of 5 minutes apart (that magic number), and they seemed somewhat stronger than the ones I had the previous night. I called Drew at work to get his advice and we decided it couldn’t hurt to call my doctor. I call and, of course, my doctor was out-of-town (boo), but his nurse talked with the nurse practitioner and told me to come on in for a labor check.

I dropped Brenna off with Drew at work and headed to the doctor. The NP checked me and I was 3 1/2 to 4 cm dilated. She told me to go walk for a couple of hours and then to come back and get checked again to see if I progressed at all. I quickly made up my mind that I needed something a little more strenuous than walking. Walking was just not going to cut it. Remember I had walked 3 1/2 miles the night before. So I drove back over to the church and for the next two hours Brenna and I rotated between running up and down stairs and doing laps in the gym. Fun stuff let me tell you. I was a sweaty mess but honestly didn’t care. The contractions were picking up both in frequency and intensity, so I knew something had to be happening. Around 11:30 a.m. we arrived back at the doctor to be checked again (Drew and Brenna came with me this time). The NP checked me and said I was still about the same. What?! Are you kidding me? She did say that during contractions I was at about 5cm. I knew she was just thinking about sending me home again, which was fine with me, but I was concerned that I wouldn’t know when “it was time” and might not make it to the hospital. For some reason I just had this hunch when labor really got going it would move quickly. So the NP decided to consult with the doctor on call and to my surprise and delight he said to head on over to the hospital to be admitted. YEAH!

We ran home quickly to get our things and feed Brenna some lunch all the while my contractions continue d to get stronger and I continued to get more nervous. Grammy arrived to watch Brenna and off Drew and I went to the hospital. We arrived shortly after 1 p.m. and got settled in our room and hooked up to the monitors. We thought it wouldn’t be long until the doctor arrived to break my water. We were wrong. For four long hours we waited trying to pass the time by walking the halls and watching March Madness. In hindsight I wish I would have labored at home a little longer, but it all worked out in the end I suppose. Around 5:30 p.m. the doctor came in (funny side-note: Drew had just left the room because he was getting so antsy and decided he needed to get outside for a few minutes)ย  and basically gave me four options: send me home (not an option), don’t do anything and see how labor progresses (I felt like I was at a standstill at this point so this really wasn’t an option either), start pitocin (I wanted to avoid this at all costs so this wasn’t an option for me at that point), or break my water (bingo! I felt like this is all I needed to get labor going). Drew still was out on his walk ๐Ÿ™‚ so I decided to go ahead and make the decision for him to break my water. Don’t worry, Drew was happy with this decision. ๐Ÿ™‚ So he broke my water and asked me if I wanted to go ahead and get the epidural. Little did I know that my answer of “not now” would prove to be an irreversible decision. The truth is I went into it really not wanting an epidural but with a very open mind that I might just need one. I wasn’t going to be stubborn just for stubbornness sake.

It didn’t take long for my contractions to pick up. By this time Brenna had arrived with Grammy and Pops, and they were in our room trying to get my mind off the ever-increasing pain. They left soon after to wait the rest of the time in the waiting room and I decided I wanted to get on a birthing ball to try to ease the pain. While it did not ease the pain, I did like it because I was having terrible back labor and this gave Drew easy access to massage my back. By 6:30 p.m. I started contemplating an epidural. I felt like I was going to pass out and didn’t know how much more I could handle (see I’m not as tough as you might have thought). At 6:53 p.m. I asked my nurse to check me to see how far along I was. My thought was if I knew I was really close to the end then I could mentally talk myself through the rest of labor without an epidural. Well, I was only 6 cm. In an hour and a half I had only dilated 1 cm and I was in this much pain?! At that rate I knew I didn’t want to proceed without an epidural, so I asked (actually begged) for one. Fifteen minutes later at 7:09 p.m. the anesthesiologist arrived to place my epidural. No sooner had he walked in the room than I had the sensation that I had to push. It wasn’t just “I think I have to push”, it was “Felicia’s head feels like it is coming out NOW”.ย  My nurse checked me again and I think was pretty shocked to find out I was at 10 cm. Needless to say the anesthesiologist was no longer needed and quickly proceeded to leave. So, yes, out of necessity I labored and delivered without an epidural. However, I’m pretty sure the entire hospital could tell I was doing it without one. I was not some calm, breathe and focus through the contractions type of person. Just ask Drew.

The next 10 minutes were a blur for me. I remember the nurses telling me not to push because the doctor hadn’t arrived yet and I remember thinking you can tell me not to push all night long but my body is going to do what it naturally has to do. The doctor arrived and about 3 minutes later at 7:19 p.m. our precious Felicia Laurelle entered the world! It was a moment I will forever treasure. A moment met with tears of happiness and instant love for our tiny blessing. We praise the Lord for another beautiful daughter. Our hearts are filled with thankfulness.