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The Birth Story

A big thank you to my wonderful husband for keeping up with the blog the last couple of weeks. Blogging has not exactly been on my radar recently, but while I have a few quiet moments, I thought I would write out Langston’s birth story before it fades from my memory.  So that was your warning. Feel free to stop reading if birth stories are not your thing. I will not be offended.

I will begin with my last doctor’s appointment. On December 26th I had what was suppose to be my 34 week appointment. I mentioned to my doctor that I had been having stronger, more painful contractions, although still not regular. He decided to go ahead and check me to see if the contractions were doing anything. I was 1 1/2 cm dilated. Given that fact and that my due date had always been a bit fuzzy this pregnancy ( it went from Jan. 21st, to Jan. 31st, to Feb. 4th), my doctor decided to move my due date to the 21st (it was currently set for Feb. 4th). While I knew this change really had no bearing on when Langston would make his debut, I was happy for the earlier due date. My doctor decided to see me back in two weeks and my next appointment was set for January 9th.

Now I’ll fast forward to about January the 5th. I continued to have strong, but irregular contractions in the following days. By the 5th we were just praying that Langston would hold off until after the big snowstorm. I knew there was no way I was making it until February 4th and I was pretty confident I would not even make it until the 21st. Drew shoveled our driveway like crazy during the storm just in case I did go into labor and I set in to full nesting mode (I should have known then). By Tuesday, the 7th, the girls and I had a serious case of cabin fever. Drew ended up going into work that day, so I decided to take the girls over to the gym at church and let them burn off some much needed energy. We ran (yes, I didn’t think it could hurt anything for my 9 month pregnant self to “run” ) and played around the gym for about an hour and then headed home. The rest of the day was pretty non-eventful (except for our furnace deciding it would be a great day to stop working-but that is a story for another time). Ironically enough, my contractions seemed pretty non-existent all day.

I went to bed about 10 p.m. on Tuesday night feeling completely normal. About 1 o’clock in the morning, though, that started to change. I woke up with my first contraction and knew right away that it was the real deal. I timed them for about 30 minutes and finally decided to wake up Drew. At this point they were roughly 3-4 minutes apart, so we did not waste much time in calling Drew’s parents. Angela very graciously drove through treacherous roads at 2 in the morning to come stay with the girls. I went ahead and called my doctor (actually the doctor on call) and got the officially OK to head to the hospital (although, I would have gone regardless). We arrived at the hospital at about 3 a.m. and I was 3 cm dilated. They held off admitting me and told me they wanted me to walk around for an hour and then recheck me. So I obliged. 🙂 Drew and I walked the very exciting hospital hallways for the next hour. I could tell over the next hour that my contractions were definitely getting closer (about 2 minutes apart) and more painful, so I was confident in my progression. The nurse checked me again after an hour and I had not progressed much at all. Maybe 3 1/2 cm. Boo! I knew I was in real labor, though, and thankfully my nurse agreed. She decided to monitor my contractions for the next hour and see what happened. The down side to that was that I had to stay in bed and couldn’t get up and walk, which I wasn’t a huge fan of, but I survived. I thought since I was not able to move much that I probably would not progress a whole lot, but after an hour I had progressed to 6 cm! Yay!

Finally, at around 5:30 a.m. they admitted me and we got to our own room (up until this point I had just been in triage). Not a whole lot happened over the next couple hours. I tried to rest between contractions, which were painful but bearable at this point. Around 7:30 a.m., the doctor came in and asked if I wanted to go ahead and have my water broken. The contractions were not doing a whole lot in terms of progression and from past experience, I knew once my water was broken things would probably move pretty fast. Since my doctor was suppose to get there between 8 and 9, we decided to wait until 8 and then go ahead and have them break my water. I was hoping if we waited until 8, my doctor would at least be there for the delivery.

At 8 a.m. sharp they broke my water and as I imagined things got really painful, really fast. In my head, I wanted to get up and move around, but I honestly thought I might pass out from the pain if I tried to get out of bed. So, I tried my best to keep switching positions and tried to sit up more than lay flat. From about 9a.m. to 10 a.m. is pretty much a blur for me. I was in A LOT of pain (excruciating back labor) and was just praying to get to that magic 10cm FAST. I have to say, Drew was amazing! He was by my side every step of the way and if it wasn’t for him I probably would have given up and gotten the epidural. He was, hands down, my support! Around 9:30 a.m. I started feeling tons of pressure, they checked me and said I was almost at 10cm, but there was still a little left to go. I made it through a few more contractions, but by 10 a.m. I told them I HAD to push. The pressure was unbearable. I could not wait any longer. Unfortunately, my doctor was in surgery, but the doctor on call was great and at 10:15 a.m., after pushing through only two contractions, our sweet, perfect baby boy was born. Langston Thomas weighed in at 6 lb. 9 0z. (my smallest so far) and 19 1/2 in. long.

Within minutes of his birth, my nurse realized Langston was having breathing issues (grunting instead of crying) and a NICU nurse was called into the room. She observed him for a couple minutes and then told us she needed to take him to NICU for observation for a couple hours. They assured us that it was probably just a little fluid in his lungs and probably nothing of concern. They let me hold him for about a minute and then took him away (Drew didn’t get to hold him at all). Nothing could have prepared me for that. The only thing that got me through 9 hours of labor, was knowing that at the end I would get to hold and enjoy my precious son. Cuddle him, snuggle him, kiss him, love him. None of that was possible, though, and while I was so thankful for a great hospital and staff that knew something was wrong, my heart hurt and my arms were empty. This will probably sound ridiculous, but with the girls, as soon as they were delivered I forgot about the physical pain I was in because I had them in my arms and that is all I cared about in that moment. I honestly do not remember with them delivering the placenta or being stitched up (sorry if that is TMI), because I was enjoying them and consumed with them. It was different with Langston. I vividly remember still being in a lot of pain after delivering him. I still felt every contraction after delivery. I don’t think I was in any more pain necessarily than my previous deliveries,  I just believe it was because he wasn’t there to distract me from the pain. The moment I had dreamed about for 9 months wasn’t happening and it hurt…both physical and emotionally.

A couple hours later, once they had finished up with me and I was able to catch my breath (literally and figuratively) we went down to NICU to see Langston. It was at this point we found out they had admitted him to NICU and had started him on oxygen and put a feeding tube in him. In my naive mind, I was still hopeful he would be in our room with us by morning.  The next 7 days was by far the longest and hardest days of our lives to date (maybe someday I will write out my thoughts and the emotions of those 7 days-they are many), but God was good and gracious to us. It brought Drew and I closer as a couple (although, oddly enough, we hardly saw each other at all that week) and I personally felt a deeper sense of the love of Christ through the love and care that was shown to us by our family and friends.

January 15th was a very, very happy day. At noon Langston was released from the NICU and we finally were able to introduce the little fellow for the first time to his very proud big sisters. We did not care about much else that day, except that we were HOME as a family of five. 🙂

So, there you have it. It was not the birth experience I was hoping for or dreaming of, but the Lord had a plan and as hard as it was, we were and are confident it was a GOOD plan. We are SO thankful for Langston and the 4 weeks we have had with him. I love him more than words can say and am very happy to be his mama!

Congratulations if you actually read that entire story. 🙂

A Quick Update

First, a big thank you to everyone who has been praying for us and offering to help. We have felt the love of Christ through you and it has been a blessing to ou hearts. God is good and has showed kindness to us. Langston had a good day of progress! We were specifically praying today they would be able to decrease the amount of oxygen he was on. Up to this point, they have had to steadily increase it. This morning when I arrived at the hospital they had him on 50% oxygen. Tonight, as I sit hear next to our sleeping little boy, he is on 30% oxygen and doing wonderful! Praise the Lord! 

We were able to talk with a new doctor today and got some clear answers that actually made sense to us. There was some concern that something could be wrong with his heart, but after talking with this doctor, he said he thinks his heart is just fine and diagnosed him with a mild case of pulmonary hypertension. The good news is that he should make a full recovery. The harder news is that there really is not anything       they can do to speed up the recovery process. It just takes time for the pressure in his lungs to go down. How much time? It could be 5 days or it could be 2 weeks. They just cannot say. We are hopeful, though, and are praying that he will be able to come home soon! (He has two big sisters  that are dying to meet him!):-) 

I have many more thoughts I could say, but I will save them for another time. Sleep is calling me.:-) Thank you for your continued prayers! We SO appreciate them and need them!


Micellanies (Vol. 19)

It. has. been. FOREVER. Our external hardrive seems to have crashed (which is where we store EVERYTHING), so we do have somewhat of an excuse. I mean who wants to read a blog without pictures? Anyways, we have yet to retrieve anything off of it, but we have taken some recent pictures we can share right from the camera.

We have been busy with holiday festivities, preparation for Langston’s arrival, and just life in general. Honestly, we have been terrible at taking pictures recently, but here is a sampling of the last couple of weeks. (Drew has some good pictures and videos on his phone that I will bug him ask him so kindly to post.)

Grammy and Brenna hard at work digging up flowers!

Grammy and Brenna hard at work digging up flowers!

Felicia getting in the Christmas spirit.

Felicia getting in the Christmas spirit.

Brenna doing her part with the tree decor.

Brenna doing her part with the tree decor.

Felicia getting some help from daddy.

Felicia getting some help from daddy.

The finished product!

The finished product!


Just showing some sisterly affection. :)

Just showing some sisterly affection. 🙂






Hello Third Trimester!

28 weeks tomorrow…yay! I am very thankful to be on the home stretch of this pregnancy. I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and our little man has a strong heartbeat! It was a blessing to his mama’s ears to hear his little heart go “thud, thud, thud”. I am just not feeling him move like I did with the girls and sometimes it puts me into a worried frenzy. I will say these last couple days have been better in terms of movement, so hopefully he is getting big and strong enough to kick through that placenta! 🙂

We get to see him via ultrasound a week from tomorrow and I cannot wait! My doctor wants to do an ultrasound before he gets too big in there just to make sure everything is ok. No complaints about that from my mouth. 🙂

The girls are getting more and more excited to meet their little brother! Every time we pass the hospital where I will deliver Brenna says something about Langston being born there. 🙂 I cannot wait for all three of them to be together!

Here is a peek at how huge little Langston and myself are getting these days…

Growing, growing, growing...

Growing, growing, growing…


20 Weeks!

Today marks the half way mark! Yay! Our little guy is weighing in at 11 oz. according to our ultrasound and I think I’m bigger at the 20 week mark than I ever have been. Some people might laugh at that, but I’m just saying comparatively speaking. 🙂

Here’s baby H (hidden by my belly, of course) 🙂


20 Weeks

20 Weeks


We will be sharing his name very soon, so stay tuned!

17 weeks

17 weeks today! Boy, time sure does fly when you are having fun! It’s been a crazy last couple of weeks in our house. Two weeks ago, at the end of our little mini-staycation, I started coming down with what I thought was just a cold. Sore throat, congestion, headache. Then on that Saturday I came down with a stomach bug, or so I thought. I was thinking it was just a 24 hour flu bug and it would soon pass. Well, unfortunately I was terribly wrong. To make a long story short, I was sick for a solid week and ended up in the hospital last Thursday to get IV fluids due to dehydration. It was not a fun week to say the least, but I am thankful to the Lord for protecting our unborn child, to my husband for his loving care of our family (seriously, he was a lifesaver!), to the grandparents for their help with the girls, and to everyone else who prayed, called, and checked in on me. One of my many faults, is that it is hard for me at times to accept help, but through being sick I saw such evidence of God’s grace through the people that served me during a rough week.

In baby news, he or she is growing! Heart rate has been running around 150. I’m thinking I’m feeling some slight movements here and there, but can’t say for sure yet. Can’t wait for those movements all the time! We have our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for September 11!! So Lord-willing we will know whether we are having a son or daughter in just under 3 weeks. To say I’m excited would be a slight understatement. Ha! I have had several people tell me boy, I’m still not entirely convinced, but we shall soon know and we will be absolutely thrilled either way!

Here’s my 17 week belly shot:

Baby Hump #3 :-)

Baby Hump #3 🙂

Brenna-2 1/2 years

Our little wild child turned two and half years old on Monday! So. Hard. To. Believe. If I ever wonder if time goes by too fast, I only have to look at my girls to find the answer. As someone put it quite eloquently, I desperately want to treasure these little years. They go by much too quickly.

Anyways, Brenna seems to have changed A LOT since I did her 2 year post. It is amazing what 6 months can do. I think one of the biggest achievements is that she is fully potty trained, including at night! She was SO incredibly easy to train and honestly did most of it herself. Her newest thing is going potty all by herself, with no help from mom or dad. She loves to be independent and is pretty proud of herself when she accomplishes this task. I have to admit it is kind of nice. Some other milestones in the last six months include; being able to recognize and point out most of her colors, finally having hair long enough to put in little pigtails (I’ve been dying to be able to do this for a LONG time), working on counting to ten and saying the alphabet, beginning to learn how to dress herself, and being able to answer the first three catechism questions. She is a smart cookie and really seems to enjoy learning new things.

Brenna’s vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds! She is talking more and more in full, complete sentences and probably before long will be chatting our ears off. I love being able to carry on a conversation with her and her really being able to understand what I am saying and me really being able to understand what she is saying. It makes life a lot easier.

Some of Brenna’s favorites:

~Cartoon: Dora the Explorer (she might be slightly obsessed)

~Book: Where The Wild Thing Are (she basically can read it to us at this point)

~Color: Pink and Yellow (at least those are the two she likes to say the most)

~Food: Pickles (I know, weird), Pizza, Strawberries, and Salsa (seriously, she will eat it by the spoonful)

~Bible Story: David the Shepherd Boy

~Activities: doing anything outdoors, being a little mommy to her dolls, swimming (I think she asks to go swimming at least once a day), and blowing bubbles

~Song: Jesus Loves Me, Wheels on the Bus, and Itsy Bitsy Spider

~Her least favorite thing right now is probably animals. She just isn’t a big fan of them live in person, especially horses. She has always been like this, but we figured she would have outgrown it by now. We’ll just stick to looking at them in books for now. 🙂

Brenna has such a sweet, caring personality. She takes her responsibility of big sister pretty seriously. If Felicia is crying she will go up and pat her back and say, “Weesha not happy”. So cute. She loves to make Felicia laugh and makes sure to quickly tell me if Felicia is into something she shouldn’t be. Brenna is an amazing helper around the house. I’m not just saying that, she really is. Perhaps it is a normal thing for someone her age, but it never ceases to amaze me. She will pick up messes without me even asking and put everything EXACTLY where it belongs, she sets the table for me, she loves to help with the laundry and put clothes away,  the list could go on.She also loves to cuddle and can give you hugs and kisses that will just melt your heart. I eat it up because I know the time is limited where she will want to do that.

We are slowly starting to feel like she is really beginning to understand the importance of obedience. With the Lord’s help and guidance we try to daily reinforce the importance of obeying mommy and daddy the first time with a happy heart. We are teaching her to say “Yes, Mommy” and “Yes, Daddy” with a smile and a good attitude. Another lesson we are teaching her is the importance of being kind to her little sister and putting Felicia’s preferences before her own. Brenna, obviously, still has a very sinful little heart and our continual prayer is that God will draw her to Himself, but we are thankful for little glimpses of God working on that little heart of hers.

Brenna, mommy and daddy love you beyond words! You are SO very precious to us and we pray that God will continue to give us wisdom as we parent you. You bring daddy, mommy, and Felicia much joy and we will treasure all the years God gives us with you! Love you monkey girl!

5b 6a

Month 10 and Month 11

Our not so little munchkin is 11 months old today! Since, I never got around to her 10 month post, this will be a combination of sorts. These past two months have been filled with lots of new discoveries, new likes ,and new dislikes. Felicia has gone from not pulling up on anything to pulling up on everything in sight. We have even been able to get her to stand by herself for a few seconds at a time! She has also FINALLY started to crawl. I thought we might be destined to an army crawler forever, but she finally realized how much easier it is to crawl on all fours. She hasn’t looked back since…

Felicia is still hanging on to two naps a day. They are not longs naps, normally just an hour or so each, which makes me think I should move to just one nap in hopes of her napping longer. However, it has never proved a good thing when I try skipping her morning nap. At the same time, I feel like she wakes up too soon and never seems rested throughout the day. It’s a dilemma. She had a few weeks in January of just sleeping awful at night time. Thankfully, she seems to be past that for the most part, thanks to the new trick of giving her two pacifiers to sleep with. She likes to have one in her mouth and one in her hand. Some babies like to cuddle with a blanket, Felicia prefers to cuddle with a pacifier. Ha. I know it will be a bear to break her of that habit, but right now I just don’t care. If she is happy and sleeping, then I am happy and sleeping. 🙂


After a very exhausting morning of swimming, she was ready to sleep just about anywhere.


8 is still the teeth count. I don’t think she has a chance of catching up to Brenna’s record (Brenna had ALL her teeth by her first birthday!), but I do think she will have a couple more by the time she turns one. She is slowing weaning herself off of formula. She is down to two bottles a day. One first thing in the morning and one right before bed. She seems to much prefer milk from a sippy cup (probably because that is how her big sister does it 🙂 ). She loves to eat and seems to always be hungry. Her favorite foods are yogurt, applesauce, cheese, pasta, and veggie sticks. I am having a hard time getting her to eat vegetables (I don’t think veggie sticks really count). Any suggestions?

Felicia’s favorite activities include climbing over anything and everything, “dancing” to music, and imitating her big sister. We have noticed that Felicia gets most upset when Brenna is not in her sight. She is absolutely in LOVE with Brenna and Brenna is such a good little mommy to Felicia (on most days that is). The sister dynamic is precious. I would not trade it for the world! I pray their friendship with continue to grow for years and years to come. It brings such joy to this mama’s heart.




Felicia’s vocabulary is growing. She is now saying “Mama” and “Dada” and I’m quite certain she uses them in the appropriate context. She also just started signing “please” and “all done” and we are working on “thank you” and “more”. She is quite the boisterous little girl and loves to blabber away, even though 99% of the time we have no idea what she is saying. 🙂

Felicia’s personality continues to blossom and believe it or not she is developing quite the little attitude. Suffice it to say she is hearing the word “no” quite a bit these days. She is a very sweet baby, though, and has the most contagious smile ever. Between the huge gap in the middle of her two front teeth and the way her nose crinkles up, her smile is pretty darn cute.

Happy girl!

Happy girl!


I am eternally grateful for the blessing Felicia is to our family. We love you, Felicia, more than words can say and your daddy and I continue to pray that God will draw you to Himself and that you will know His love someday. Happy 10 and 11 months!



9 Months

Our not so little girl turned 9 months old this past Sunday. So. Hard. To. Believe. Felicia continues to bring so much joy to our family. She is still not crawling on all fours yet, but continues to master the army crawl. She gets up on her knees all the time, just can’t quite figure out how to go forward.

Her teeth count is up to seven, almost eight. Which means we have had some cranky days this past month, but I think we are through the worst, for now. She is starting to eat more table food, but still isn’t a fan of her veggies. She LOVES yogurt (and puffs) and also will eat applesauce, macaroni and cheese, and bread. She also tries to steal anything and everything her big sister is eating.:-) Felicia is currently on strike with her bottle feedings. Most of the time it is like wrestling a bear to try to get her formula down her. Very frustrating. I’m about to try just putting her formula in a sippy cup, because she seems WAY more interested in that. I think I’m starting to realize there is a ” monkey see, monkey do” concept going on in Felicia’s mind. However she sees Brenna eating or drinking is the way she wants to eat or drink. At least it makes Brenna feel special.

I just started her back to three naps a day. She wasn’t making it until bed time, but then was waking up hungry because she had fallen asleep before finishing her bottle. So I try to give her about an hour nap around four and then have moved her bedtime back to 8ish. So far it seems to be working better.

Her favorite thing to do, by far, is playing with Brenna. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but she ADORES her big sister! Their sister dynamic melts this mama’s heart. I think they are already best friends, and watching them interact so happily, makes every hard day we have SO worth it! A friend, who has two girls about the same distance apart in age, told me when Felicia was born that it would be really hard at first but by nine months things would start getting easier and we would be so happy to have them close in age. That seemed like an eternity back then, and we have had some hard days of parenting in the last nine months (and probably many more ahead), but I do feel like I am FINALLY settling into a routine with two kids and, while I still feel like I’ve run a marathon every time I take both of them grocery shopping, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m glad we were a little bit crazy and God was completely sovereign in blessing us with two precious girls within 17 months. 🙂 They are both a joy!

9 month stats:

Weight: 20 lbs

Height: 28 3/4 in.

And here are a couple pics of our beautiful girls:-)

Being goofy...

Being goofy…

"watching" cartoons:-)

“watching” cartoons:-)


8 months

Felicia turned 8 months old this past Friday. Since I failed to do her 7 month post, this will be a combination of sorts. There are many new things to report on! As you can imagine, it seems she changes or makes new discoveries every day.

In the last two months Felicia has gone from wanting nothing to do with baby food, to scarfing it down faster than I can shove it in her mouth, back to refusing it at all cost. Talk about frustrating meal times. I had weaned her down to three 8 oz. bottles a day with 2 solid food feedings, however, since she has started refusing solids again, we are back to four bottles a day. I am at a loss for what to do and am about to just give up on baby food altogether and start table food. She seems way more interested in that anyways. 

Felicia still has not figured out the crawling on all fours thing yet, but not to worry, she is a master army crawler! She will occasionally get up on all fours and rock back and forth, but then she plops right back down and army crawls as fast as her chunky, little legs will propel her. Just in the last couple of weeks she has also mastered sitting up to the point where I really do not worry about her falling over any more. She can now sit in a shopping cart, which is awesome! No more lugging around that heavy car seat. 🙂

Her sleeping pattern hasn’t changed a whole lot. Ideally, she will still take an hour nap in the morning, a two hour nap in the afternoon, and then sleep for 12 hours at night. Recently, her napping hasn’t been the greatest due to teething issues, but hopefully that is only temporary. Speaking of teeth, she has a whopping FOUR coming in on the top. I think she has been working on them for quite a while and we expect for them to pop through any day now. Poor girl. Teething cannot be any fun!

Felicia’s personality continues to blossom. Right now we think her personality is very different than Brenna’s. Brenna is our sassy, spunky, monkey child, whereas Felicia has a much more quiet, subdued spirit. Do not get me wrong, she loves to smile and laugh and have a good time, but seems much more laid back. Just quietly taking everything in. We’ll see if it lasts. 🙂

The attachment phase I talked about in Felicia’s sixth month post has gotten progressively worse. She is attached to me at the hip. All it takes is for her to hear the sound of my voice from another room or to see me leave the room that she is in and you would think the world was coming to an end. I LOVE that she knows I’m her mama and wants me, but at the same time, I want her to learn to self-entertain and be alright with other people holding her or watching her. I think she is learning. Very slowly, but learning nonetheless. I also must add, that while Felicia doesn’t seem to have attachment issues with Drew yet, she most definitely knows who her daddy is! She has smiles for him that she doesn’t just give to anybody and when Drew gets home from work her eyes are glued on that door until he walks in. I don’t think he sees it quite yet, but I am absolutely confident she adores him!

Someone else Felicia adores is her big sister! It’s just way too cute! Their interaction brings a smile to my face and to my heart every single day. I wish I could adequately capture it on camera or bottle these precious sister moments up. They are passing way too quickly. I need to remind myself of that every single day, because I can so easily take it for granted and not treasure those moments. I’m thanking God for this sister relationship and I pray they will not only be sisters biologically, but Lord-willing, they will be sisters in Christ someday. That God will save their sinful hearts and make them a new creation in Him!

Happy 7 and 8 months Felicia Laurelle! We love you more than you will ever know!

Here’s a little collage of our Santa Baby 🙂



